There was a brief moment in mid 2018 when we feared Jim's 33rd Christmas show couldn't happen because The Cave closed!  Many thanks to the new owners who saved not only this Chapel Hill landmark, but the Jim Watson Christmas Show tradition!
Jim's 33rd Annual Cave Christmas Show
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Click on pics for larger versions.

Jim who?
<-----Jim joined by his family on a dramatic version of "We Three Kings" 

Jim joined by Joe Newberry
as they sing Joe's wonderful
"On This Christmas Day ---->

If seeing these pics makes you wish you could hear the music, remember you can enjoy it all on Jim's "Christmas At The Cave" CD.

Look REALLY closely to find The Cave's Christmas tree.  Click to enlarge if you can't see it.
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Crowd scene snapped by Joe Newberry

PIcs and articles from Jim's 20th Annual Christmas Shows at The Cave and Hillsborough - December 2005
More Jim pics - 15th Cave Christmas Show, Benefit for Tommy Thompson, and others!
Jim's 24th Annual Cave Christmas Show
Jim's Homepage

Site maintained by
December 27, 2018