old time music, new and vintage, with early Red Clay Ramblers favorites
Hiawatha Traditional Music Festival
Marquette, Michigan
July 19-21, 2013
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"The band Craver, Hicks, Watson, Newberry featuring Tom T. Ball play in the dance tent during the first night of the 35th Annual Hiawatha Music Festival Friday at Tourist Park in Marquette.  (Journal photo by Adelle Whitefoot.)"  From the MINING JOURNAL, July 20, 2013. 
Rabbit in the Pea Patch
The Man From Tennessee
I'm Getting Ready To Go
Aragon Mill
Tying 10 Knots in the Devil's Tail
Texas Gals
Missouri Borderland
You've Been A Friend to Me
Stolen Love
How Does a Glass Eye Work?
Piney Mountains
My Old Cottage Home
Sally Ann
Merchants Lunch
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We heard through the Facebook birdie that Joe got the crowd to swaying back and forth.  Amazing.  Frank Youngman captured the moment and also the fine pictures on the next two rows.  Frank reminisces that he played a few with the 'Blurs back in the day.
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click on any pic for a larger view

(Photos on this row and the two rows 
above by Frank Youngman)

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Bill Hicks, Jim Watson, Joe Newberry, Mike Craver
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The three pics on this row were copied from Joe Newberry's Facebook page. 
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Photo by Salem Prince
 SET 2
Rockingham Cindy
Kiss Me Quick
Uncle Charlie's Revenge
Lowe Bonnie
Susananna Gal
Casey Jones
Calling the Prodigal
What Does the Lonesome Dove Say
Miller's Reel
Beale Street Blues
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Photo by Phil Watts
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The 5 pics on this row and the one below were by the festival MC Tom Dummer.
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Hiawatha website
More recent concert pics

Bill Hicks' blog on the Hiawatha experience:

On the Shores of Gitchigoomie

Started out last Friday morning in the dark for an hour drive to the local airport. Made it in good time, and the plane itself, the first link to our destination, Marquette, Michigan, way up there in the UP, which someone said should be the 51st state, and someone else said, no, 52nd, Puerto Rico is ahead of us. (continue reading)

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