old time music, new and vintage, with early Red Clay Ramblers favorites
Craver, Hicks, Watson, Newberry
Cook Shack
Union Grove NC
May 23, 2008
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Pictures above by photographer Daniel Coston
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Jim Watson
Set 1
Rockingham Cindy
Aragon Mill
The Man From Tennessee
While the Band Was Playing Dixie
Wind and Rain
I'm Getting Ready to Go
Kiss Me Quick
You Have Been a Friend to Me
Texas Gals
Beale Street Blues
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Joe Newberry and Mona
Set 2
Yellow Rose of Texas
Stolen Love
Telephone Girl
When the Roses Bloom in Dixieland
Rabbit in the Pea Patch
How Does a Glass Eye Work?
Daniel Prayed
Uncloudy Day
Lonesome Dove
Sugar Hill
Uncle Charlie's Revenge
The Ace
Sally Ann
Merchants Lunch
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Bill Hicks
(click on any pic for a larger view)
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Bill's guitar, fiddle, and last year's Cook Shack poster
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Mike Craver
<===== Outside looking in =====>
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Pics by Bren Overholt
unless otherwise credited
Photographer Jane Hogan attends the shows and posts some mighty fine pics on her website.  Check out her Craver, Hicks, Watson, Newberry page with photos from several years
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The Cook Shack's Website

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More Ramblers at the Cook Shack: January 2004 | August 2005 | July 2006 | May 2007
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July 24, 2008